"Trakindo is a good home, for good individuals, who aspire to live better lives. After 14 years of employment, I can see that Trakindo provides equal opportunities and a broad platform for professional growth to all employees."
Siba Waihi, Service Leader, Satui Branch
"The company, including its top leaders, not only speaks about Company's Core Values but also set a good example in everyday activities. Trakindo is a company that values its workers, encourages innovation and creativity, and pays great attention to employee recognition"
Christianti Friska Angeliant, Learning Architect Lead, Head Office
"From when I was a technician until now as a Branch Manager, I can see my life improving not only professionally, but also personally. My passion and ideas are accommodated by Company and my opinions are respected by almost all lines. There are plenty of learning opportunities and fascinating things to discover every day".
Fajriansyah, Branch Manager, Pekanbaru Branch